Frequently asked questions

Q:     Do you produce a list of plants for sale?
A:     Due to the rapid turnover of stock we are unable to produce a catalogue. Each year we offer a vast range of plants; as a result the quantity of each variety we grow is small and many sell extremely rapidly. Although we never promise to have a specific plant in stock we can promise to have one of the best selections of alpines and rock plants available and will always have something you have never seen before. (Please note, the images contained in this web site are a random selection of just a few of the interesting plants we grow and should not be interpreted as an offer for sale or as an indication of our current stock.)

Q:     How much are your plants?
A:     All our plants are clearly and individually priced. At the time of writing (Jan 2023) some alpines are still £2 with most rarer alpines below £3.

Q:     Can I look round the Garden?
A:     Much of the garden is visible from the nursery sales area. If, however, you want to wander round and take a closer look, then you can do so on our National Gardens Scheme open days. We also open for groups at other times by appointment; please write for details.

Q:     Do you supply mail order?
A:     No.

Q:     Where can I park?
A:     There is plenty of parking in front of the nursery.

Q:   Where do you grow all your plants?
A:    Most of our plants are grown fully exposed to the elements outside. Although we only have a relatively small area open to the public the nursery extends to over 15 acres, so we have no shortage of growing space!

Q:     If you grow your plants outside do you grow plants for the alpine house?
A:     We have many plants suitable for alpine houses but concentrate on hardy alpines. Its surprising however, how many so called "tender alpine house" plants can be grown outside given the right conditions (even in the Peak District!).

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